Program and project management


Nothing good happens - unless you do it

The challenges of managing projects as well as large programmes are immense - conflicting demands from many stakeholders, high deadline pressure, incomplete scope, limited budget resources, cultural resistance - to name just a few.

Our senior staff bring decades of experience in successfully managing complex projects in the energy industry and in many other industries, such as finance, the paper industry or public transport.

Structured approach

  • Based on solid methodology, you receive a tailor-made approach that takes your specific situation into account. We are familiar with the management of projects and programmes not only from our client projects, but also as lecturers at university institutions - and thus also have our finger on the pulse in regard to theory.
  • And as entrepreneurs, we never lose sight of the fact that every project must generate an economic benefit for you in addition to strategic objectives.


  • As a consultancy and solutions partner, The Advisory House has successfully delivered more than 400 client projects since its beginnings - we always think in terms of projects.
  • For us, the basics of successful project management are daily practice, from time limits to the definition of work packages, budgeting, status tracking, quality assurance and active risk management. Many know the tools and procedures for this, but unfortunately the typical project manager often spends too much time on them and thus risks the success of the project.

Success factors

  • We pay attention to things that are often left out of everyday project work, but are essential for the success of the project. These include the establishment of clear responsibilities - especially the presence of a project sponsor with decision-making authority -, steering via a project business case, strict scope management, the identification and support of all stakeholders as well as professional organisational change that ensures acceptance of the new solution.
  • In our experience, it is only with a focus on the supposed peripheral issues (and a reduction of stereotypical project manager behaviour) that project success is achieved.

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