Digital transformation

Digitale Transformation

The stepping stone for tomorrow’s winners

It will only be possible to fully assess the effects of digitalisation in the upcoming years but it is already clear today that technological developments will bring in new competitors, new customer expectations and significant potential for optimisation.

However, reducing digitalisation to the technology aspect only does not come up to its possibilities and effects. The main challenges and opportunities lie in the rethinking of business models and processes as well as in the paradigm shift in corporate culture and employee behavior.

We add value since we are familiar with the challenges of digitalisation and the appropriate solutions. We can act as your roadmap, scout, compass and head of mission to capitalise the opportunities arising.

Use of new technologies

  • Digitalisation is closely linked to accelerated technological change, which strongly influences business processes and IT. However, not every approach has gained lasting acceptance and often it is also a question of the right timing and the right assessment of the dependencies and consequences in order to actually derive the benefit from an innovation.
  • Based on the ongoing observation of emerging technology trends and an analysis of their relevance for the energy industry, we see ourselves as a navigator, translating technological innovations into the context of our customers, explaining interrelations and pointing out opportunities. In this way, we help you to take the right innovative step for you.

Process digitalization

  • Digital processes are a key success factor in today’s competitive environment for energy suppliers. Automation and end-to-end digitisation can reduce throughput times of processes, significantly increase robustness with respect to errors and more specifically meet the expectations of increasingly digitalised and demanding end customers.
  • Based on our deep understanding of the core processes of the energy industry as well as the starting points for their digitisation, we help you to digitise the right processes in your company and to achieve optimal effects.

Data-centric architecture

  • As digitalisation continues to progress, the need to link company data more strongly and to tap into previously unused data resources is increasing. Data applications can no longer be assigned to the context of individual IT systems and reach their limits in application-centric IT landscapes with complex interface relationships. Data-centric architectures create an application-independent data space in which the use of data is in the centre of attention.
  • Our experts have the ability to communicate the necessary technological and organisational change as well as the resulting demands on corporate IT and develop implementation paths together with you.

Digital organisation

  • Today’s customers expect interaction that is available at all times and accelerated on permanently changing information channels. Together with an individualised approach and the corresponding product range, this confronts energy suppliers with a number of challenges. On the other hand, the availability of enormous amounts of asset- and customer-related data, coupled with the corresponding technologies to analyse them, opens up new opportunities to increase efficiency and differentiate services.
  • Finding the right answers also means positioning the organisation accordingly. The aspects to be considered here range from cross-departmental cooperation in virtual teams, the introduction of iterative procedures and the development of new competences and roles, to the adaptation of leadership behaviour and the establishment of a fault-tolerant culture based on a high level of personal responsibility.
  • We accompany the sustainable, successful transformation of your organisation with a special appreciation of your corporate DNA and our many years of experience in the conception and operationalisation of change processes.

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